

The dream of flying has inspired humanity for millennia. The AirShips game mode offers you the almost unlimited possibilities of the sky. Whether you compete with 15 2-projectile cannons or 2 15-projectile cannons, you always have a realistic chance of winning. Because: Everything has its price.


In today's urban warfare, there is no place for heavy equipment, which is why smaller machines still have their place today. With their slightly smaller cannons, MiniWarGears are the perfect choice for beginners, casual players, and those who like to experiment.


Sometimes there is no time for a long construction. Sometimes it has to be quick. For these cases there are QuickGears. Without quality control and with just one click you can create a vehicle here. The quality is not always the best, but for a quick fight it is enough.


Today, the battlefields of Earth are dominated by heavy artillery. With our traditional rules, WarGears are also arena-wrecking heavyweights. Due to the cannon technology with the most projectiles, you can expect hard and short-lived battles in WarGears.


For a long time, warships were the ultimate weapon of war. This is still true for Warships today in terms of rocket and slime technology. Due to the limited cannon power, WarShips offer long, intense and varied battles, with new techniques always being introduced in the arena. After a while, a WarShip battle shifts to the water through boarding, providing exciting PvP action.